Découvrez 3 conseils naturels pour retrouver une bonne digestion après les fêtes

The marathon of the festive season puts digestion to the test. Bloating, acid reflux and nausea cause discomfort and discomfort when leaving the table and even between meals. Aside from putting the digestive system to rest by fasting, here are a few naturopathic tips for restoring good digestion after festive meals.

1. Good digestion: relieve bloating naturally

Called "abdominal meteorism" in medical jargon, bloating is an accumulation of gas in the stomach or intestine, generally accompanied by belching and flatulence. Caused by poor dietary combinations, inadequate chewing, overeating, an altered microbiota, gluten or lactose intolerance, bloating is totally benign but damned uncomfortable...

Here are some natural remedies to help you "deflate":

  • Activated vegetable carbon according to the manufacturer's or your pharmacist's advice

  • verte : preparation of clay water. In a glass taller than it is wide, dilute 1 tablespoon of green clay with water. Stir well and leave to settle overnight. The next day, drink only the surface water without mixing. Use only wooden utensils for mixing. Consume away from medication.

  • Star anise and/or fennel seed infusion : min 75cl/day

  • ​de noyer : Walnut bud glycerol macerate acts on intestinal flora, liver and pancreas function by stimulating the production of digestive juices.

  •  A natural herbal dietary supplement for draining the body. Highly recommended in cases of overeating (fat, alcohol) and liver disorders.

2. Good digestion: soothing acid reflux

Apart from any gastric malformation or pathology, reflux and gastric acidity are the result of excessive acid secretion, poor emotional management (stress) and dietary excess (too much fat, too much water, too much spice, too much coffee, too much acidity...).

If you are predisposed, we recommend waiting at least 1h30 before lying down after eating.

Nevertheless, to help with digestion, here are a few tips:

  • Drink a mixture of water and bicarbonate before meals

  • PhytoGast A natural dietary supplement to help with excessive belching and gastric reflux. It promotes harmonious digestion.

  • ​de figuier : Fig bud macerate is "the" bud for digestion, whether alimentary or emotional... It calms stomach inflammation by acting as a gastric bandage. It also soothes the nervous system that causes the stomach to produce too much acid. It thus combats gastric acidity and gastro-oesophageal reflux, which can create that famous burning sensation along the esophagus.

  • Licorice infusion: licorice acts as a gastric dressing. Caution: over the long term, it increases blood pressure. Do not take if you are on hypotensive medication. Min. 75cl/day

  • verte As previously mentioned, green clay water has soothing properties for the entire digestive tract.

3. Good digestion: calm nausea

The festive season is often a time for excess: chocolate, copious meals with lots of wine, consumption of stimulants (coffee, cigarettes...)...

The liver is overworked and saturated. It then issues the warning sign: nausea, implying fasting by default to restore health.


Your body speaks to you and sends you messages: if it doesn't want to eat or wants to rest, that's what it needs...

However, here are a few tips to help you get over the "hangover" or liver attack as quickly as possible:

  • Le jeûne hydrique: le remède de première intention car il met le système digestif au repos et permet de concentrer toute l'énergie de l'organisme à l'évacuation des toxines.

  •  A natural herbal dietary supplement for draining the body. Highly recommended in cases of overeating (fat, alcohol) and liver disorders.

  • Rosemary young shoots Rosemary bud macerate stimulates hepatic and vesico-biliary activity. It thus facilitates digestion of fats.

  • ​essentielle de gingembre, fr  or​ poivréeinhale directly from the bottle

  • Ginger infusion: Ginger is recognized by the HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé) and the WHO for its effectiveness against nausea. You can add the juice of 1/2 lemon and lemon balm.

Good good digestion requires good gastrointestinal and liver health

Good digestion depends above all on good gastrointestinal and liver health, and therefore on what you put on your plate. In this case, plan light, vegetarian and hypotoxic meals a few days before the date. Homemade soups and veloutés without cream or butter the day before will do just fine.

Before "the" meal, limit chocolates and other delicacies, red meats, fatty sauces, cold meats, industrial dishes and, of course, alcohol!

Soulager le mal de tête en trois mouvements